Základní škola s rozšířenou výukou jazyků, Komenského náměstí 91, Mladá Boleslav

History of our school

History of our school

Originally a municipal and town school for girls building was not sufficient enough so therefore in 1879 construction plans for a new school building were approved.

The municipal council finally approved the construction budget and in 1881 a foundation stone was ceremonially sealed. The building where nowadays you can find the classes of 6th- 9th grades, (Komenského náměstí 91), was ceremonially opened in 1883 as a school for girls. At that time 665 girls attended and their numbers were rising. In 1888 there were 832 girls in 15 classes. As we can easily count, an average number of girls per one class was roughly twice as big as today. There used to be a municipal school as well as a primary school.

Primary school building, Komenského náměstí 94, where school canteen can be found now, this building used to be a craft school. Apart from daily studies there used to be also a distant studies school of evening and Sundays classes for craftsmen.

Matěj Povšík | 17.05.2015 | Přečteno 2072x


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