Základní škola s rozšířenou výukou jazyků, Komenského náměstí 91, Mladá Boleslav

Focus on Languages

Focus on Languages

We focus on teaching foreign languages at our school. We believe that the knowledge of languages is an important skill of modern man in a global world.

However we are well aware that any specialization is not solution to the balanced elementary education.

It would be a great misunderstanding of the meaning of elementary education, if we did not support the healthy and harmonious development of a student's personality.

The following English verses taken from the publication Jazz chants, express very well what we should avoid in the way we teach and what should be essential for us.

How´s his English?
His English is wonderful,
he speaks well.
His accent is perfect.
You really can´t tell
that he isn´t native
of the U.S.A.
There´s only one problem.
he has nothing to say.

Matěj Povšík | 17.05.2015 | Přečteno 2145x


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